72 Days ago this whole experiment started. In many ways, to get to even this point would have been considered a pipe dream. Thanks to my trusted ING Hartford Marathon widget, I can now see that we are 100 days away from M-Day.
As of June 10, I had logged in 70 miles running. Since then, I went through my two week soul-searching phase in which I only ran 7 miles. However, since last Monday I have tacked on 34 fresh miles on the Brooks Adrenaline GTS 9 odometer. With 20 miles coming on just Sunday and last night alone.
This brings my total mileage to 111 miles run since April 21. The last three days have been sort of a breakthrough for me. The half marathon proved I could finish a long run in a somewhat respectable time. The biggest breakthrough may have been last night's 7-mile run. I was only planning on running 3 miles. When I got to the 3-mile mark, I decided to try and make it 4.5 mile. When I got to the 4.5 mile point, I decided to make it 6-miles. As I came down the street to finish at 6, I decided to run a couple loops around the neighborhood to make it 7. I found a breathing pattern that has seemed to elude me so far. I also realized that I can go 7 miles without stopping for water, stretching or energy gel. It took me exactly an hour and those 8 or 9 minutes I took off had to have been from not stopping and going every mile. I was able to find a comfortable pace and keep it there. I don't know if I can make 5+ miles a night a regular thing, but if I can I'm convinced I can take my minute/mile pace to around 8:30.
So 72 Days in and 100 to go until the Hartford. We are about 75 days away from the Montreal Marathon prep run.
The total mileage accrued so far would take me to Schenectady, NY to the West:
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Lynn, MA to the East:
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And to the slot machines and harness racing at Yonkers Raceway to the South:
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The "The's" were having a conversation last night in the car about your breakfast preparation. My comment was that a bagel and maybe peanut butter might make more sense for the morning, and maybe to skip the coffee and get the caffeine in other ways if you need it because it is a diarrhetic. Mrs "The" suggested that the coffee was a good way to empty your bowels before the run, which she said was important. Yes, this is what our life has boiled down to George, your blog and bowels.
ReplyDeleteI love the confidence, but doing too many miles too fast may increase your chance of injury. Sticking to your plan and getting the miles in at a comfortable heart rate is what is important. Time does not matter at all in training as long as your legs and heart get the work. Rule of thumb is a 10% increase in mileage a week. You might also want to try to get into a Yoga class at the Judgment Free Zone to show the young ladies your new physique. Also, you may want to incorporate the foam roller into your stretching. Look on Youtube under Stretching with foam roller and you will see some ideas. That stuff really works.
ReplyDeleteis this what I have to look forward to when I get married? To talk about my buddies love buttons and bowel movements on a blog? Im staying single for a long time... you two are the best. Ill check out the foam roller.. This particular judgement free zone doesnt have any classes, but im considering doing some hot yoga classes in Glastonbury one or two mornings a week for a month or two...