After getting scolded for the non-running post from last night, I feel the need to reel myself back on track. I didn't go on the scheduled run last night because of a last minute trip up to Boston. Getting home after 11, I didn't have the gall to wake up Main Street with the barking of canines at that hour. However, I did find myself contemplating the differences between our area here in CT and Boston.
It is not uncommon to see a dozen or two people running in the course of a day here in North Central CT. As the weather gets nicer, I expect to see even more. The amazing thing about the city of Boston is that as you drive through it - EVERYONE is running. Going through Newton and Chestnut Hill, there are literally hundreds of people running at any given time within a five minute drive. Driving through Washington Square or Brighton - hundreds more. I didn't pass by the Charles River at any point yesterday, but my guess is there were thousands of people running between the hours of 4 and 9pm.
Is this just because of the shear numbers of people who live in the city compared to rural CT or even Hartford? While I'm sure that's part of it, I still believe the percentages of people working out on a daily basis in Beantown far outnumbers the percentages in this state. Is it that by seeing others getting out there running motivates people more? While the reservoir around BC and the the Charles River are beautiful areas to run, we have some beautiful trails and areas to run here, as well, so I don't think its just for the scenery.
Making our state more bike and runner friendly should be a priority for town and urban planners. Having these concentrated areas where folks could come together and run or bike in groups could only help change the perception of where we live by giving people the opportunity to change the perception for how they feel individually. Feeling good about yourself can be contagious. So if you wanna feel better about where you live, grab a buddy and hit the streets. It may just inspire others to do the same.
I notice this too when I go back to CT. Not many people outside riding or running.