I can thank the Wizardstress for this. The blog post concerning how to properly breathe while distance running has literally changed my entire outlook on this challenge. By simply changing the routine from breathing through my schnoz to breathing through my stomach, I was able to find a comfortable pace and just keep on trucking.
I think I may have hit and plowed through my first "wall". "Hitting the wall," is a normal occurrence while training for a marathon. What is important to remember is that you can keep on going. This game is mental. If you believe you can finish that run, you will.
One quick non-running story. Its last Saturday around 5pm and I'm grabbing a quick bite to eat at a local restaurant. I strike up a conversation with the table next to me about the Kentucky Derby starting in the next hour and a half. I ask the guy who he likes in the race. He tells me he doesn't know anything about horses, but he likes the #8. This guy doesn't even know the name of the horse, but he says," Over the last few years, the #8 has won more than any other post position. Under my breath I say to myself, "oh sure, you might as well just pick the horse your girlfriend thinks looks prettiest."

Well, we all know what happens next. The #8, 50-1 shot, Mine that Bird pulls off one of the greatest upsets in Derby history. Psshhhh....
Good article. I cant wait for the moment I turn to you at Mile 20 and whisper heavily, "Here be dragons".